Wednesday 7 August 2013

lost credit card

Not a good day for losing things.

When I walked to the shop my credit card must have fallen out of my pocket.........looked in vain on the return journey but no sign of it.   When I called M&S to report it she immediately cancelled it and started the process to issue a new one.   Whilst talking to one lady, another one was trying to contact me to say someone had found it and reported it (a really honest person).  However the finder had been advised to cut it up which he did immediately!!!   By the time I contacted him, can only have been 1/2 an hour was in I have the aggro of trying to collect a new card, still I must be thankful that an honest person found it.......although I am not sure how anyone could use it without the pin number.....

Rest of the day was more successful, bit of domestics.  The worst thing to clean on Petroc are the venetian I managed two of them.

We ate out at the Boat Inn  with Maffi and had an early night

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India Smart Cards said...
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